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Smart Home Vision

Client Project

Winter 2018


Interaction Design Lead  



Design Strategy | Storytelling | Vision Concept



Designed the vision of a smart home solution for a technology company in South Korea. It was a three months engagement and I led the interaction design portion of the project including secondary research, concept ideation, mobile UX, and concept journeys.




Research and design an experience vision that supports the convergence of IoT devices, services, and data-driven insights in the smart home of the future.

Target 2-3 years out in the future and focus on the experience that can bring unique values and differentiate the company from its competitors.


Problems & Goals

In the Korean IoT market, we saw a lot of smart product owners, who never actively use them. And there was no single platform to connect all devices and services.

Goal 1 - Find opportunity to utilize smart products and services

Convert IoT product owners to users by presenting opportunities to utilize smart home products and services. Help users understand the value of smart home and motivate them to personalize their home environment.

Goal 2 - Create a unified ecosystem

Provide a competitive advantage to show the value of a unified ecosystem experience. Make users feel more powerful with every new device. 

Goal 3 - Show roadmap for growth and scale

Show expandability by leveraging future concepts that could be scaled from the existing products and services the client is offering. 


Design Process

Here are the steps I took to create vision experience.


Experience Guideline

Set up design principles to guide through the design process and evaluate design concepts.


Secondary Research

Conducted secondary research on the Korean IoT market, social trend, and competitive landscape.


Visual Design System

Created a system for design elements to make the experience visually consistent.


Concept Ideation

Went broad and produced idea sketches.


Journey Mapping

Mapped the selected concepts to users’ journeys and weaved them into a story.


Information Architecture

Built IA for a mobile app solution.


Design Flows

Created high fidelity screen design and flows.


Design Components

Built a component library in addition to a foundational design system.


Experience Journeys

Combined user journeys and design solutions into a presentation with narrative.



Here are some concept highlights from the user journey.


Control Cards

Control card is a simplified device control format, focused on the most important control for each device. It drives use frequency by reducing the time and effort needed to engage with the app and allows access to quick control of devices, device groups, or modes.

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Cross Platform Support

Responsive component library was created to support various device types ranging from mobile to TV.


Immersive Storybooks

Immersive Storybooks is a video-sharing storybook experience, connecting children with remote family and offering interactive features. This feature combines family time, education and entertainment together to create family habits and connections, especially for remote relatives.

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AR Snap Scan

AR Snap Scan is an effortless way to recognize, connect to and set up new devices. It promotes a fun, easy and premium experience for new device setup. While scanning for a device, it can also acquire a room layout and spatial data to create an accurate picture of home that resonates with the user’s mental model.

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Auto Clean Up

Cameras automatically direct robots to clean up whenever necessary. Opens up device to device communication without needing user intervention and introduces consumers to smart actions based on AI camera event detection.
